Worm Studio: The World's Most Sustainable and Smell-Free Composting Solution

A chic, smell-free worm farm that turns your food scraps into a premium fertilizer that works magic on your plants. 

Early Bird Gets The Worm (Studio)

Sign up now to get an exclusive discount and learn more about our upcoming launch!

70% of our trash is food for our soils, wasted in landfills

If food waste was a country, it would be the 3rd largest GHG emitter in the world. Rotting food emits methane which is 80 times worse than CO2. 

Composting starves landfills and feeds our soils.

Composting So Simple Even Earthworms Do It

Red wiggler earthworms are nature's little recyclers and they eat our food waste and poop out soil.

Our design makes it a breeze to compost and allows worms to migrate upwards leaving behind a bottom layer full of rich compost ready for use. 

Hassle free composting magic

Compost That Smells Like a Forest 

Say goodbye to stinky trash and hello to Worm Studio's odour-free composting experience. Natural cedar absorbs odours and is breathable allowing for proper airflow resulting in no yucky smells.

We are crowdsourcing Nature's solution to food waste 

 A Box Of Life gives everyone Nature's recycling superpower, whether you live in an apartment or mansion. Best of all the output, worm poop, is a magic fertilizer and a key ingredient to make our soils healthier and happier.

Join us in this journey towards making vermicomposting mainstream.


Get First Dibs

We're launching soon. Get an exclusive discount of up to 30% off $200 by signing up now!